“Education and protection of our children” reminds an educational documentary around the themes of childhood and adolescence, the former educational system and the religious experience, individual youth-identity and the community, nature and human progress. The themes interweave, pervaded by a constant serenity that at moments reveals tragedy.
The visual quality of “Education and protection of our childen #2”, reminds some international-educational documentaries and TV video archives that enspired a whole generation in the 70’s.
Youhts, places, animals and situations, are shown with the same innocent eyes of an individual but universal past, where tht truth seems to be caught in the deepest part of a simple message, like the quality of our vision in the first technological age and its move into our present. - 2 channels Film, super8mm and 16mm on HD. Music by PortRoyal, direction Andrea Dojmi - Photo Courtesy of Andrea Dojmi and Netmage Festival -